Saturday, May 27, 2006

I really like this. It's 9 am on a Saturday morning, Memorial Day weekend and I'm jammin' in my PJ's. Having throat problems but having a musical moment anyway. You've all heard this before, those that are familiar with my original stuff. It's about 3 minutes I think? Anyway, I'n having fun and I came up with something spur of the moment at the end that delighted me. Then I elaborated on it in a second video. It's the evolution of songwriting in action.
Video 1 -jamming in PJ's on a Saturday morning, drinking coffee.
Video 2- slight experimental evolution to it. Only about a minute.

Hope you all get a smile out of them. Have a good weekend! :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Wish You Were Here" Revisited. Once again, it's a f*ck up version that I actually prefer over my technically superior version.
My videos should be subtitled "Or: Trying to jam in a flight path". The planes lead to more mistakes than anything. Oh well.
At least you can tell I'm trying to improve the sound and picture quality of the videos in general.And guitar playing, I can see a difference there, too.
This video is 2:58, I think. One could also call this video "Another Shit" due to the repeated expletive at the end. :)
Those damned planes!
"In Spite Of Me" by Morphine Entire song. It's weird because I realize that most, if not all of my videos were never more than 1-2 minutes. Now I have a longer upload time, so I can play/sing entire songs if I want- but I keep forgetting!
This is also higher resolution, I changed the setting. Dunno if it'll even be noticeable, actually.
This is the 1st version, I just made a 2nd version that is better but I prefer this one for the humor, the mistakes. I think my f*ck up videos are more interesting.Even if they aren't so flattering.:)

I almost forgot how to post videos, it has been so long since I posted anything here.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Working on a lead today for that ancient song

It's not set in stone, nothing's set in stone in my life right now, actually.;)
I was just playing different ideas to that ancient song . This is what I do when I'm trying to come up with a lead for a song. I don't know if I'm ever going to
add words to this or more chords.I don't know if I'll ever finish this one. It just expresses some feelings I was having at the time, including some frustration.
I remember I was going to school and working when I came up with this little song, chord. I was 21, I think. Overall I was happy and very much in love.
I must apologize for the sound. Low sound on this particular one. I was having amp problems. I need a new amp.The amp was bought from a pawn shop in the first place.
So it's no surprise that it's shot.I didn't pay but maybe 20 bucks for it.
Again, sorry about the sound.