Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Price of Dollars ( spoof of The Price Is Right)


Blogger I am that I am said...

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12:16 PM  
Blogger I am that I am said...


You said you had no problem with me.
ewell, you'll remember it was I who had a problem with you being unkind to Dan L being nasty to him, when he never says things to people likie tyou did to him putting him on the spot singling him out.

Now you say you have no problem ewith me,.
Yes you do have a problem.

I have a problem listening to you, you loved this opportunity provided by joe to try to put your own nastiness right, to not have to face the fact of how you behaved, insulting Noces who said but about three words to you, to Take It Easy.

You called her a fucking bitch after that and more.
Then you went, after all of that, crawling to me, after insulting me you said, I have nothing against you.
What the fuck is your problem?

I tell you Lisa

I do not like you at all.
Why I don't like you is because you take and make cheap shots, and will not face up to yourself.

You loved this Joe pervert coming on and attacking me, it seems, because you immediatel;y astarted supoporting him.
Good on you. Well done.

But if you suffer from Manic Depression you ought to not play stupid games like you did by also not just trying to single dan L out but me too, when you talked of me in the third person as if I was not there, talking as if you are WE, we bla bla bla but where are the We's then?

You are you, and you ought to speak for your fucking self!

So you have a problem, you can see why people would have a problem with me? Well dear, I can see the same and say the same about you except I never went out of my way to single you out or to talk nasty to you.

Thanks a fucking lot. You are welcome to Joe. He is a cunt.

12:21 PM  

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